
Community Partnership Grant

The Community Partnership Grant (CPG) is a competitive grant offered by ISBE and the Federal Government. The Grant focuses on Wellness and Social Emotional Services. At Waverly we have addressed through the implementation of the 1) interconnected frameworks model; 2) enhancing our current wellness program and curriculum for students; and 3) implementing a wellness program for employees to promote a healthy lifestyle. 

The CPG award has allowed us to train staff and start to implement our MTSS District model to assist students in meeting both their academic and behavior goals.This system of support data will be reviewed in the following way.

The Midwest PBIS Network will support evaluation for the project.  The Midwest PBIS Network has extensive evaluation expertise acting as the internal evaluation team for the Center on PBIS as well as supporting other local, regional, and national research projects.  Based on previous work in the field related to installation of ISF Internal Evaluation data will be gathered to continuously inform training and technical assistance throughout the demonstration project.

Completed With Grant Funding

  • Summer student workers hiring for painting, clearning, and summer work for facility enrichment to promote a clean and healthy environment
  • High School Weight Room project completed allowing the creation of extra class offerings for students and additional after school fitness programming space
  • Flexible seating for students purchased for Behavior Interventionist and School Counselors
  • Staff Tier 1 and Tier 2 training
  • Jared's Keepers student and staff training
  • Summer offerings for teachers on classroom management and core curriculum implementation
  • Ongoing support for staff during the work day from PBIS and MTSS experts in the field
  • District-wide book study, "Onward"


August 26 Planning Day Training (copy write laws apply material with PBIS Network, you must seek PBIS Network approval to use or duplicate)  Waverly August 2022ISF.pdf


Jared's Keepers In Classroom Session Feedback March 2023

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