
Chain of Command

Waverly School District #6

Waverly, Illinois



Jr. High/High School

(217) 435-2211

Fax (217) 435-3431

Scott Hendricks, Principal

Grade School

(217) 435-2331

Fax (217) 435-2321

Christy Willman, Principal

Superintendent’s Office

(217) 435-8121

Fax (217) 435-3431

Fred Lamkey, Superintendent



Chain of Command For Parents and Community Members:

Waverly School District #6 seeks to partner with parents and community members to further the shared mission of providing excellent academic opportunities to the youth of the community. District personnel are committed to building positive relationships and maintaining open avenues of communication. To this end, the Board of Education offers the following chain of command to ensure that issues and concerns, when they do occur, are heard and addressed in a timely and appropriate manner. The purpose of the chain of command is to provide a structured communication process so that issues and concerns are resolved as quickly as possible. Your cooperation in honoring the chain of command process is appreciated.

Step 1: Concerns must be addressed first with the teacher, coach, or other staff member who is directly involved with the issue or situation.

Step 2: If not satisfied with the outcome, concerns may be addressed with staff supervisors including the Principal or the Athletic Director.

Step 3: If not satisfied with the outcome, concerns may be directed to the Superintendent.

Step 4: If not satisfied with the outcome, concerns may be directed to a Board of Education member who will consult with the Board President and/or the Superintendent. The individual will either be directed back to the appropriate level for resolution or he/she may request that the concern be placed on a Board of Education agenda for full Board discussion.




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