District Belief Statements
We believe students should be supported and prepared.
We believe teachers will prepare students for future success.
We believe the community will partner with and support the District.
Mission: Building individuals for today and tomorrow.
District Goals
Goal Area 1 – District Finances
Goal 1.1: Conduct a thorough internal audit of finances and resources.
Goal Area 2 – District Facilities
Goal 2.1: Develop a short-term building maintenance plan.
Goal 2.2: Develop a long-term building maintenance plan.
Goal Area 3 — Student Achievement/Curriculum
Goal 3.1: Implement an updated k12 core curriculum utilizing resources and data.
Goal 3.2: Develop a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum k12.
Goal 3.3: Implement a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum k12.
Goal Area 4 — Community/District Relations
Goal 4.1: Engage students in the local community.
Goal 4.2: The District will continue to communicate with the community.